miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014

Almost half way done :/

This past weekend we went to Benicassim for a music festival. It was pretty fun, the venue was outside and right between the beach and the mountatins. On the drive there we even saw some castles. During one of the days we went to Opresa to go to the beach which was like 30 minutes away. We went to a Cala, which means little beach. It was so cute! The view was beautiful.

There was a ton of plants and stuff in the water though, it was kinda creeping me out. Then we went to this yacht club place to eat. It was really fancy but we shared meals. It was like a several course meal. First they brought out a salad, then a plate of ham and cheese, then bread, mussels, a lobster rice soup dish, and then lastly watermelon and chocolate cake for dessert. I think there might have been more i dont remember anymore. I just remember thinking Hillary would have loved it and would kill me if she knew I was eating seafood on the shore at a yacht club. By the way I´m not really a fan of mussels. They are so creepy looking. The spices and flavor were really good but man with that texture and look, I just couldn´t do it. We finally made it back to the festival and made it just in time to get to the first show we wanted to see.

We met a group of spanish girls from valencia there and they were so nice so we hung out with them and they shared sangria with us. We were having so much fun talking with them I forgot to go see one of my favorite artists!

 I didn´t get a chance to buy anything at the festival except for a "chicken fajita" at the "mexican" food stand. They should really call it a grilled chicken wrap though. I should have known better. We had Brazilian Pizza the other day?! I told one of my new Italian friends about it and it was so funny.. I said, "hmm I don´t remember the name of the place though I think its Xingu or something" and then he said, "Okay but the thing is, the name it´s not imiportant because I´d never go there." Then told me he´d tell me real places to eat pizza. Anyways the brazialian pizza wasn´t as bad as the italiano is making it seem. It was definitely different though. The cheeses were´t the same. We got 2 pizzas and got different flavors for each half. So one half was ham and pineapple and the other half was called Tropical but tasted like spaghettios so I have no idea what was going on there. The other pizza one half was spinach with tomatoes and brazilian style mozzarella which was my favorite, then the other half was kinda crazy.. it was banana pizza! They still used cheese and then put cinnamon and something else on it. It sounds crazy but it was surprisingly good.

The appetizer we got had lamb in it, and it was surprisingly good, way better than the stuff I had at this Kebab place. It was funny they gave us "hot sauce" to go with it and it was this tiny thing and it wasn´t even spicy. Tabasco sauce its literally the only spicy thing in this country!! I feel like I´m not even going to be able to handle a hot cheetoh when I get home after not eating anything spicy for so long! Even the peppers at the market aren´t like real peppers. I´m craving chips and salsa so bad. All I want is The other day, I walked around the city and took pictures of a bunch of statues and structures which was very peaceful and relaxing. This whole trip has been jam packed witht things to do so it was nice to just walk around.

Then I stopped in some shops and got a couple things. As soon as the clerk saw my credit card, he started talking to me in english. I was so disappointed because I wanted to try to speak in spanish. But it was alright because I was kinda forced to speak last night. There´s this bar that gives you three free beers if you speak english and help people learn english by having a convo with them. Me and two of the guys that are part of the program too decided to check it out. Well, none of our phones GPS works without wifi and we ended up getting a little lost. They don´t know much spanish at all so they told me I had to ask a police officer. Talk about a pop spanish quiz! I knew how to ask where the street was but he said the directions so fast I barely caught it. Thankfully everyone here talks with their hands so I kinda got what he was saying. We found the place but the english night was already over so we just ate and hung out. We´re going to go again tonight to check it out and hopefully make some new friends! When i told rachel about how they do this, she said "What how lucky?! But with free drinks, you won´t be speaking good english for long!" It was so funny! We´re going to Barcelona this weekend, i´ve heard so many great things about it so I can´t wait!

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